Evernote, the perfect app for just about anything

There’s apps for desktop and mobile that can move the earth with their ability to connect, mash and stream various content into an almost unrecognisable state.

However I’m yet to find anything that’s as useful as Evernote, the Freemium note taking app that gives the user space to record anything as a note, tag it, share it and sync it to the cloud for use with any other device signed into the account.

I use it almost continuously whilst developing anything web to store snippets, SQL Queries and code chunks that may need to be reused at a later stage. The mobile app will upload pictures, which is ideal for taking a snap of the whiteboard after a meeting and writing notes alongside at a later stage. It’s borwser based too if you need it to be, I honestly can’t get enough of it.

The only time I’ve ever come close to the monthly upload allowance is when I’ve been taking a load of screen shots during a redesign project.

Rikita at www.cloudwards.net has put together a great article with some up to date information that helps cuts through much of the noise: https://www.cloudwards.net/best-note-taking-apps/