Blog Archives: Code

I’ve been meaning to refresh the look of this blog for a while and as I’m interested in British birdlife I though it would be interesting to combine the two. The bird theme works by using PHP to randomly select

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Here’s how simple responsive design can be. I wanted the website you’re looking at to change shape depending on the viewable area within the browser. It’s a fairly fluid design, the main issue being the </aside> element to the right of the

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I’ve been holding off from this for a while, there hasn’t been much need to start using HTML 5 on my blogs other than personal interest, but now I have a bit of time on my hands it’s been great

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I was thinking the other day that it might be fun to have a different colour generated every time a page loads. Can’t be that difficult, just some random variables made into a string. concatenating six variables seemed a little on the clumsy side so

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I found these screen dumps last week whilst trying to free up some space on the old Think Pad. I used a combination of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to create the graphics, I can’t remember which versions but almost certainly

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I’d only ever played around with JavaScript as a way of achieving something within a development environment. I’d given little thought to object orientation and code reuse- ability, focusing more on write once, use once and move on as soon as the thing was working.

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We run a dynamic website that retrieves information from a relational database. There’s lots of content involved across loads of domains and in several languages, this makes the site fairly heavy. Performance is as important as ever and it’s only

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