Google AdWords API

I’ve been working on a Google AdWords project since 2012. It’s another one that’s constantly evolving to keep up with business needs, and with this project in particular – changes to the API on which it uses as its core.

I can’t divulge too much information about how the app functions but there are some basic concepts that can explained.

The app uses the Google AdWords API to update Google advertising campaigns based on information supplied by Google about user activity. It is an intelligent app in as much as it runs in the background and is constantly updating itself with data.

google_adwords_logoOutside of the Google AdWords API the back end is built on a standard LAMP Stack and currently sits on shared hosting. The GUI is handled using Zurb’s Foundation responsive front-end framework, whilst there isn’t a huge amount going on in the front end Foundation is fun to use and looks good.

The app is being developed locally using Eclipse (Kepler) and Git/GitHub for content versioning.

This is a great project to work on. Seeing the code and the API evolve into something useful, and now business critical, is an absolute pleasure.