SQL Filtering against a time stamp

Every time I come to write an SQL query that uses the current time against a time stamp in a record, someone always seems to suggest a different way of solving the problem. That in itself isn’t an issue, there’s usually several ways of coding ones way round any situation with personal preference or familiarity probably being as good as any other.

In this example I used DATEADD with a negative integer to filter against any records more than 30 days old. I’ve always thought that using plus and minus together in any situation is a little odd, but it’s the Microsoft way in SQL Server and it works fine.

FROM    mytable
WHERE   record_date >= SYSDATE() - INTERVAL 30 DAY

In SQL Server:
FROM    mytable
WHERE   record_date >= DATEADD(day, -30, GETDATE())

In Oracle:
FROM    mytable
WHERE   record_date >= SYSDATE - 30

In PostgreSQL:
FROM    mytable
WHERE   record_date >= NOW() - '30 day'::INTERVAL